Senin, 30 September 2013

EXO Baekhyun Still Apologetic to Brother For Sasaeng Fans at Wedding

It was reported that during Baekbom's, Baekhyun's older brother's wedding, fans showed up at the wedding yielding cameras as they waited for Baekhyun and EXO to arrive. Upon their arrival, a massive occurrence of fans running to and fro happened, and because of this, the occassion was effectively ruined for his brother and sister in law.

Because of the incident, Baekhyun is said to still be apologizing to his family members because of the incident. He is greatly humiliated and still hasn't released any sort of statement about the occurence. For a more insider look on what happened, here is a post made by Baekhyun's cousin, translated:

Baekhyun's cousin's blog post about Baekbom's wedding yesterday (Baekhyun's brother)

I am sad as Baekhyun's Cousin and therefore leave a post. As baekhyun and baekbeom (will refer to as 2baek)'s cousin, i am so mad i leave this post. As you all know, it was beom's birthday and as a relative, i was already there early but as people started arriving, young people i have never seen before appeared and disrupted us, stood there, sat on the chairs that were for guests, etc. There was no reason for so many young people to be at this wedding so i asked if they were from the bride's family and they randomly asked, "did baekhyun arrive yet?" "when is he coming?" and such. I knew exo was popular, but i didn't expect them to come to a wedding ceremony, my head felt really weird. As more people arrived, beom was out in the lobby greeting the guests, they were standing there and touching their cameras and camcorders. About 30 minutes before the ceremony, baek and exo arrived and i couldn't even ask how he was doing after not seeing him for one year. I was pushed here and there it was just crazy; and the lobby wasn't even a small place yet it was packed with people and at least half of them were following exo and screaming or flashing their cameras. We eventually called the workers and sent them out, but for the 5-10 minutes they were there, they messed the place up and Baekhyun was apologizing to everybody, relatives' expressions didn't look too great... The bride heard the noise and was shocked in the waiting room and as baek was talking to the bride, i was next to them and he continuously apologized and looked very pitiful. It makes me mad although the ceremony went out like planned, i was still kind of upset.

Trans cr: @xiubaek

EXO forums and fansites (as well as social media sites like twitter, faceboom, etc) are filled with apologies from the fans to Baekhyun. The fans are greatly disappointed with the actions that have been inflicted by the sasaengs and can only hope that this does not reflect upon every single person that follows EXO. And they also pray that him and his family are coping in peace.

source: KpopStarz 
re-post by: Me

*please take out with full credits*

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